taken from my phone - camera all taken apart inside the bag lawls.
Just getting ready to go now. Everyone is packed (well , nearly) and were just spending our time saying goodbye to our precious computers lol. No computers for 15 days. No wi-fi for 15 days. I will greatly miss you my precious. Haha. Gosh, I can't live without computers and mobile phones.
The departure time is 4:00pm, but since we live quite far away from the airport, we'll have to get out of the house at around 12:30pm. And my throat still hurts. Urr...go away stupid fever. We have to take bags within the restrictions, but then they're really small now. No extra bags or we'll get charged extra - sucks. I can't fit all my clothes in, and all the other stuff in...like cameras, and other things like that. I hope it still fits in the stupid measuring thing that they're going to use later. Grr, I'm going to end up wearing all of my clothes over and over again a few times - stinky me.
Oh well, till the next time folks. (after 15 days hehe)