Updates - and a special post for a very special Tara Kaur!

  • Saturday, June 08, 2013
  • By Diyana Rahim

Long overdue post aha.

Okay, so I was planning to just quit blogging altogether (I had even made a wordpress blog to try and change my mind - but ended up deleting it) but since I have just started my official summer holiday (exams are all done and dusted - all went okay, and therefore I've technically graduated from high school!) I figured that I'd have more time to write out some posts.

And what better way to announce the end of my hiatus by writing on...

My reply to my gorgeous friend, Tara's lovely leaving-present!

Dear Tara,

Thank you for the most cutest present ever! I cried. lol. How long have we known each other for? Since 3rd year? I remember being so happy that I've found someone of similar height to me! You're so teensy I could squishy squish you all day hahaha :p

Thank you for being you. For being an awesome friend to me throughout these short, but meaningful years. You are one of the most gifted person I've ever met, if not one of the most smartest one in the whole school! And all those times you spent worrying about failing your exams? That's just you feeling nervous. Seriously, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! I bet you that you can get an A with your eyes closed no problemo haha. (Shall we deal on 1p? I'm broke :p)

In a way, being with you guys has made me feel the need to improve myself, if not for the intense competition between Asmara and Gbemisola, or the cool as a cucumber you, I would never have gotten off my lazy bum and started putting some effort into studying (with that being said, I am as lazy as ever!).

I will definitely miss you a lot Tara! This year has been the toughest for me, yet the most enjoyable out of the 6 years. (weird huh?) The teachers have been super duper great (lol never thought I'd ever hear myself saying that), and all of my family of friends are super duper amazing too. Cheesaaay. Haha remember that time in maths?
I love how we can share just about anything and everything, personal and and inside jokes, and since my memory super sucks, I can always count on you to bring them up again in a conversation!

I can always trust you to be there for me, good times and bad times, and to give me inspiration and advices to me (good and funny ones haha).

And this part is quite random (lol), but I love how your name resembles that girl group I told you about, and you had actually went and searched them up! (Bo beep bo beep oh!) Oh! And how everyone just somehow made out that I had liked a certain weird Mr and another Mr. They will have heart attacks if they knew about this haha. Remember them hearts in my birthday card and how it was so close to be found out by him? Oh and remember the post-it notes? I can't believe you had kept it all the way! Oh and my stupid locker ahaha.

When you were absent from school, all of us (really, all of us) couldn't stop worrying about you and everyone felt so empty and lost without you. See how we all just jumped up excitedly and ran up to hug you when you came back? Just shows how much we all love you!

Hehe and remember those times when another certain Mr came over to us in front of that English class? Haha that wouldn't have happened if both of us weren't there!

When I nagged at everyone (I really do sound like a granny) about those certain people? (Clue : Che and FB?) And I would try to make myself sound really happy by drowning in irn-bru. (Lol does that make me an irn-bru-holic? Is there even such a person?)

You type so slow on a phone aha! Lol it's cute - but I couldn't stop laughing ahaha! I love how I somehow managed to convert you into having to make a draft of everything on a separate piece of paper before transferring it to somewhere else!

Now comes the fun bit - for every page you wrote in the book, I will have a reply for it! (unless it's already mentioned up there^)

My smile. You love (lol love) my smile...or is that my lips? Haha you can love both. That sounds weird. And paedo-like ahah. This also reminds me of Maths! I seem to be reminded of Maths a lot nowadays ahah. And you did sound creepy, and made me sound creepy at the same time there. And of course, I would like everyone to feel happy when they see me (rarely happens eh?) so it makes me very happy knowing that I made you happy!

Hahaha...(a lot of haha's in this) my "epic" sneezes. Gosh, they hurt my nose (obviously deedee) and everyone just either awkwardly stare at me or laugh afterwards haha! One of my memorable traits haha! And yes, very romantic Tara! hehehe.

My photogenic-ness. Tara, I think it's time for us to take a trip to your opticians again if you think I'm photogenic. (only joking) - but seriously, I'm the least photogenic person ever! Please don't hate me aha T_T. And why would you ever feel the need to be jealous of me I do not know. Ahaha I see the random "babe (xo)" bit there - so that's what Gbemisola was talking about! Haha and I much prefer looking at pictures of others than look at my own face lol.

My "amazing words of comfort". Girl, I think you may have mistook this with YOUR amazing words of comfort! I give like the weirdest - if not confusing advices ever! Haha. Will write more about this further on.

You'd better keep all those cards! (I still have my cards from 6 years ago with me tucked away somewhere hehe) I wouldn't really call myself creative - but I guess I really did came up with some weird ideas this year! And my love for doodling random things just stuck with me throughout the years. My cats. Love hearts. And random cartoon faces. Oh and that snowman made out of mathematical elements on that Christmas card. Amino acids and chromosomes! Ahaha brings back so many memories.

Speaking of being creative, I'm loving them ♡'s (love hearts) and them stars scattered throughout the book! And you even included D's and T's everywhere!

And this one, my sister totally disagreed with! (I'll let you guess which one haha) But I will be turned into a burnt roast chicken soon so I guess... hehe.

In my opinion, I have like a really weird attitude ahaha. My moods change like the weather does in Glasgow - all four seasons experienced in one whole day! When I love someone, I wouldn't mind what they say or do at all, but when I start disliking someone, everything they do or say will automatically be wrong to me. I don't like hating people though, even though sometimes people just randomly get on my nerves a lot and I can't help but hate it.

 Oh! And I can't believe you still remember that! That was sooo long back, from our Standard Grade days! Gosh, I was totally NOT obsessed over that film at all ahaha...okay, maybe I was a bit. A teensy bit. Only because of everyone's reactions to it. Hilarious ahaha. But that was it okay pssht. You're not as innocent as I thought Tara tut tut tut...I'm only kidding on :)

It's totally not my fault that I laugh 5s after everyone else! I take my time with jokes ahaha. And sometimes even if I don't get it I'll still laugh out of politeness ahaha. And I was the one who was puzzled as to why Victoria never finds those CU-lines funny hehe. But another person did. Remember when he read it out in front of the class? (Nobody ended up laughing)

Gosh, did I really have a look on my face? That was such a blur to me! (Avoiding the mentioning of names lol) And every other kid there was like just staring. First time it ever involved someone that's not a friend haha. So in a way it was awkward but good ahaha! Speaking of abc, I saw the pics you took in class! Asmara sent me them (thankyou!).

In the same way as I try to be there for you, you've always been there for me too. We can tell each other everything and anything, from funny to happy things, and sad things. Even passionately hateful things and silly weird dreams! Oh yes ahaha.

I feel so guilty every time I think about it. I'm like a perfume maniac. And the fact that Victoria actually bought me a bottle of it for my birthday - ahaha to be used especially for my walk in the upstairs corridor! (And I still have the empty bottle for reminiscence)

And this one...well I won't reveal it here. Yeah, I can't believe how quickly it ended. Even now. And how people somehow move on quite quickly but at the same time, didn't. I don't think I made much sense there did I? Life can be cruel sometimes, always look on the positive side and let time heal you.

Ooo. The "obsession". Queue music playlist change : UKISS - Obsession. (lol random) That "obsession" was a bit pointless though right? But it kept me amused through this last year of school. Remember those eye-contacts and weird stares? And then came the loss of interaction. But the final day of the exam really summed it all up for me aha. Didn't regret the "obsession", but it was time to let go no?

Only 5% Tara? Really? Pshht. Hahaha blame the 95% on the flu, and my immune system! Seriously, I think my immune system has a life of its own - and it hates me so it decides to get revenge on me by infecting me with some fever once every month. Especially during the winter and spring time.

I've actually written most of this yesterday morning, but oh no, no no, stupid application on the phone decides to fail on me. It didn't save everything so I had to end up typing them all over again. That's the app gone from my phone now ahah. So I apologise for any typos in here. (Made a backup this time so this won't happen again)

Aww Tara, I'm not leaving you! I'm simply just moving a bit further away from where I used to live, but I will always be there for you as always okay? Yes, we have shared a lot of memories together, which I hope we'll both keep with us forever. Ahaha I sound cheesy again. And I grant you permission to come and hunt me down if I forget them!


I see what you did there. Chemistry. I miss Chemistry ahah. Had some of the funniest times ever in that class, and have never thought I would be so emotional leaving it all behind. You're so Cu-Te Tara! Hahaha that never gets old (Victoria would probably sigh loudly at this).

Hehee and thank you for that advice at the end. Yes it is true, and a lot of people have said that to me too. (lol I can't write more without revealing what it is about so I'll keep this short) Ahaha loving the "ultimate hotness" bit at the end there! Oh and I finally remembered where the B&B bit came from...lol disgusting haha.

Thank you! Loved both the mirror and the bracelet - and of course I love the book too! It's supposed to be "fly away with me" not "fly away from me" pfft haha. And yes yes it does rhyme! Lol we get so excited over things that rhymes. (geeks ahaha)

I wish you all the best for the future, follow your dreams, and become successful in whatever you do - be that doctor/dentist! Good luck for the UKCAT exam, and every other exam you'll sit. You're gonna ace it babe! Look after your health - gosh you worry and stress out waaay too much even though you don't need to! (And please please no more hospital trips okay?) Yes! Let's not forget each other, and keep in touch whenever we get the chance to. Oh and one more thing - look after Gbemisola and Asmara for me! I would like to see them as friends again someday even if it will take a bit of time for that to happen.

Thank you for being such a cute cute cutiee pie, an awesome friend to me Tara, I'll miss you a lot too kiddo ;)

Love you too! hahaha

Lots of love and jelly tots ,



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