
  • Sunday, December 23, 2012
  • By Diyana Rahim

Friends. Good friends. Close friends. Best friends. Just friends. Enemies. Strangers.
It doesn't matter. Friends are still friends. Even enemies. I don't like to regard anyone as my 'enemy'. I may dislike someone, but that doesn't mean that I won't talk to you or that you're my enemy.

I've met some incredible people which I know, I won't ever want to lose. I know some of you are reading this and thinking 'so what? it's not as if you've met them, so you won't know what they're really like in the first place'. Yes that's true, but I don't just talk to random strangers, I talk to people whom I feel share an interest with me, or friends of my friends that I have gotten closer to over the years. I know that there can be a lot of bad people out there, and they can take advantage of you, but I know not to ever give out any personal aspects of my life out to anyone unless I know for sure that I can trust them.

An enemy of a friend might not necessarily turn out to be someone who I will dislike, and I will damn right make sure that they know this beforehand, so if they ever want to confide in me anything about their "enemy", they know that I might not share the same views as them.

"And that's the reason why I don't want to know anything that happened."

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